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3D Virtual Consultation https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/info/3d-virtual-consultation/It is a great honor and joy for us and our Clinic of Excellence “Plasis”, to be the first and only clinic in Greece that offers you the 3D Vectra XT Virtual Consultation. You can now see your post-operative result in 360°, before you go into surgery. This highly advanced technology, gives you the opportunity to sculpt your body in the way that you want it be. That will also help our doctors out, in understanding what you really want, in every detail. Now, with the 3D Vectra XT
Age Spots Removal https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/sun-damage-and-age-spot-removal/Sun damage also drains our skin of its collagen an important protein in the human body that is responsible for the skin’s suppleness and youthfulness. Collagen works like a hydrating gel encasing the cells, providing a healthy glow to the complexion. When it is absent, the skin becomes rough , dull and hollow. If sun damage continues, it can even trigger the skin cells to begin reproducing at an abnormal rate, which we know as cancer. Excessive sun exposure can cause the over production of
Body https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/body-contouring/The most common type of body contouring patients Athens plastic surgery provider Dr. Tzamantaki sees are those who have had children and who have lost their skin elasticity and have areas of fatty tissue that makes them look disproportionate. Restoring these curves can be dramatic and many of our patients are shocked at how good they look. Many times patients say that “they did not think this was possible.” In the media, procedures that restore a woman’s body back to its
Bright Show Treatment https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/bright-show-treatment/This is the best treatment if you want instant flawlessness without downtime, redness or swelling. That treatment relaxes you and leaves you camera-ready. Whether you have a big event or an important weekend, this is just the right treatment to look at your very best. THE TREATMENT INCLUDES: Skin analysis 3D Vectra XT
Enzymatic purifying mask
Oxygenation and Brightening with PollogenTM
Vitamin and antistress mask
OPERA LED Light for renewal and hydration of your epidermal
Chemical Peels https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/chemical-peels/Unlike other chemical peels which can be traumatic and aggressive for your skin, we only use advanced skin peels, with the latest technology and organic acids. It’s popular to every women due to its gentle nature while still having effective results on the skin. Customized peels treatments are a popular non-surgical cosmetic therapy which can be used in Summer Months unlike many other chemical peels. The skin peel treatment we provide you, does not irritate the surface of the skin.
Cookie Policy https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/plhrofories/cookie-policy/This site uses cookies - small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to
Dermapen https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/microneedling-dermapen/Clinic of Excellence “Plasis” always pioneer in Greece we are the first Clinic that provide these treatments in our clients to help them achieve flawless and tighter skin. The original DermapenTM Therapy, is an award winning non-surgical skin rejuvenation procedure, that stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair its self naturally and safely, creating smoother, brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin and epidermal layers. The Dermapen microneedling pen provides an
Dr Krasonikolakis Titos - CV https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/info/dr-krasonikolakis-titos-cv/Dr. Krasonikolakis is board- certified General Surgeon, specialized in Breast Surgeryand in Breast Cancer Surgery. He is co-founder of Clinic “Plasis” and the Medical Institute in the Athenian Riviera, practicing Breast Surgery in Athens for over 15 years. For mastectomy patients, his One- Stage Breast Reconstructiontechnique, along with Dr. Tzamantaki Plastic Surgeon, lets them avoid the risk of multiple surgeries and reduce the sense of loss associated with breast cancer surgery. He is
Face https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/face/The main purpose of the Facial Aesthetic Surgery is to restore the harmony of the facial features and reduce the signs of aging. For instance you may need a rhinoplasty, or a restoration to a small chin, your eyelids might feel heavy and you feel the need of a rejuvenation or you just might need a total renewal due to the age. The Aesthetic procedures on the face increase our confidence and this is the main reason that we agree to undergo there procedures. Whether this is a relatively
Hand Rejuvenation https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/non-invasive-beauty-treatments-antiaging/needling/Hands undergo the ravages of aging as much as the face does. The soft tissue in the hands, that gives a volumizing appearance, gradually depletes as we age, leaving the veins, tendons and bones more prominent and visible. The skin on the hands, like on the face, becomes looser and more wrinkled as we age, they receive the same amount of sun exposure and they are always less protected. As a result, they suffer from pigmentation and textural problems while aging. While our hands may suffer
Hollywood Glow Treatment https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/hollywood-glow-treatment/The beautiful, shiny, luxurious skin you see on the red carpet can now be yours with this exciting and innovative procedure that improves your skin complexion. It regenerates dying skin cells, rejuvenates skin’s deepest layers, nourishes and hydrates your face, all of that without invasive methods. The result is a fresh, healthy look that radiates youthfulness out of your face. HOW DOES THE PROCEDURE WORK? Hollywood glow treatment is appropriate for all skin tones, types and colors on
IV Treatment https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/wellness/Most women suffer from some amount of cellulite and/or skin laxity, no matter what their size is. Dr. Tzamantaki will help you Smooth out the “orange peel” look and improve the skin quality. A customized approach is used to treat mild to advanced type of cellulite, combining with the treatment of mild skin laxity. Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that involves injections in small quantities, with natural plant extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceutical agents and vitamins into the
Mesotherapy https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/mesotherapy/Most women suffer from some amount of cellulite and/or skin laxity, no matter what their size. Dr. Tzamantaki can help you smooth out the “orange peel” look and/or improve the skin laxity. A customized approach is used to treat from mild to advanced type of cellulite, combining it with the treatment of mild skin laxity. Mesotherapy, is a medical treatment that involves injections with small quantities of natural plant extracts, homeopathic agents, pharmaceutical agents and vitamins
Microdermabrasion https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/microdermabrasion/If you are unhappy with age spots, acne scars stretch marks, fine wrinkles or flaking skin, you might want to consider Microdermabrasion. These simple treatment helps you achieve remarkable improvements in skin texture, regardless of skin quality. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive therapy. The procedure only removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells to reveal the fresher, younger cells beneath. Regardless of your skin’s condition, fine lines and age spots may be erased and acne
Minimally Invasive treatment https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/non-invasive-beauty-treatments-antiaging/The power of technology combined with our Medical Aesthetics offer substantial Beauty Treatments of Anti Aging with quick, painless and natural results. Botulinum Toxin Fillers (Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse, Belotero, Sculptra, Profhilo, Skin Boosters,) Needling Dermapen, Plasma enriched with Exosomes and Stem Cells, Mesotherapy, Peels, Laser for Skin Tightening Thermage, Laser Resurfacing Fraxel Restore, Fotodynamic Laser Treatment by Lumenis are just some of the tools we have in our
Plasis Clinic of Excellence https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/info/en-plasis-clinic-of-excellence/
The Clinic of Excellence «Plasis» is an exclusive, private Medical Clinic that specializes in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, medical beauty treatments and Breast Surgery, with great success since 2010. Dr. Elena Tzamantaki, M.D PhD is the lead Plastic Surgeon and Founder of “Plasis” Clinic. Our practice provides a wide range of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery services. We are specialized in Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, minimally
Platinum Renew Treatment https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/platinum-renew-treatment/The Platinum Renew Treatment is designed specifically to tone and tighten the skin. This treatment combines the highest quality devices to tighten and tone your skin along with Microdermabrasion, enzyme purifying, mask hydration that bright the epidermal layer. THE TREATMENT INCLUDES: Microdermabrasion
Enzyme purifying mask
Oxygen treatment
IPL or RF Skin Tightening
OPERA LED Light for Hydration and glowing After your Platinum Renew Treatment, that last up to two hours,
Soprano Hair Removal https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/laser-hair-removal/An innovative laser technology has brought the end of an era for painful hair removal techniques such as waxing, plucking, shaving and electrolysis. These costly, archaic techniques are only temporary and do not provide the permanent smooth, kissable skin provided by laser therapy. Our Medical Beauty Suite offers the most advanced laser hair removal technology. Painless, quick and even for darker skin types. We use “Soprano Ice” Diode and also Cocoon Laser with Solid Alexandrite and
Triple Pack Treatment https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/triple-pack-treatment/This treatment is designed to remove layers of dead skin and uncover that youthful appearance that is hidden underneath. The Triple Pack Age Response Treatment lasts two and a half hours and it is designed to reverse the signs of aging skin. This ultimate anti-wrinkle treatment lasts for up to nine months. THE TREATMENT INCLUDES: Skin analysis with Vectra
Secret formula by Dr. Tzamantaki
Hollywood Glow Treatment After your Triple Pack Age Response Treatment, the signs of aging
Vip Patients https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/info/vip-patients/At Clinic of Excellence “Plasis”, we offer the most up-to-date techniques for correcting or improving anything that time has taken away or mother-nature may have overlooked. Whether our patients long for a more youthful appearance, seek to correct imperfections or desire to enhance their body, Dr. Tzamantaki and her experienced team, are waiting to serve your every need. In our clinic, our philosophy is that all of our patients are “Very Important People” and we strive to bring a VIP
Wellness & Beauty Institute https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/wellness-anti-aging-beauty/Clinic of Excellence Plasis at Athenian Riviera provides a complete suite of fully-adaptable treatments to match your unique goals, beauty, and style. Your personalised skincare therapies. "Each person is unique and deserves treatments tailored to his own needs. In my 15 years of experience treating many faces on the years I could witness the transformative power of high quality of proper treatments addressing each person individual needs."
Η κλινική μας https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/sxetika/kliniki/Καλώς ήρθατε στον ιστότοπό μας Η «Plasis» είναι μια ιδιωτική κλινική Αισθητικής Πλαστικής Χειρουργικής, Αντιγήρανσης και Χειρουργικής Μαστού που δραστηριοποιείται στον χώρο της υγείας, ομορφιάς και της ευεξίας από 2010. Η Δρ. Έλενα Τζαμαντάκη M.D PhD Διδάκτωρ της Ιατρικής
Κλινική Μαστού https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/iatreio-mastou/Η χειρουργική μαστού και η μαστολογία έχουν αλλάξει ραγδαία τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια. Αυτό οφείλεται κυρίως στην τεράστια πρόοδο των ακτινοδιαγνωστικών (ψηφιακή μαστογραφία, σύγχρονοι υπέρηχοι μαστού, μαγνητική τομογραφία μαστού) που μας επιτρέπουν να εντοπίσουμε τους
Πρόσωπο https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/λίφτινγκ/Η Αισθητική Χειρουργική προσώπου έχει κύριο στόχο την αποκατάσταση της αρμονίας των χαρακτηριστικών του προσώπου και την μείωση των ενδείξεων της γήρανσης. Μπορεί να χρειάζεστε π.χ μια ρινοπλάστικη ή μια αποκατάσταση σε ένα μικρό πιγούνι, μπορεί τα βλέφαρα σας να έχουν
NEW YEAR NEW YOU !!!! https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/new-year-new-you-2/As the days draw in and the weather gets colder, our skin can start to really feel the effects. Dry skin, dullness, redness and irritation are all par for the course when the cold air starts to hit us. Regardless of the weather conditions we can give you a truly New Skin. We posses the know how but also the authentic cutting edge technologies.
So, we keep our promises. After all, this is what we have been doing for so many years renewing our techniques and our technologies you cutting edge
Perfect body https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/perfect-body/Σήμερα μπορείς να έχεις ένα τέλειο σώμα, χωρίς χαλάρωση, κυτταρίτιδα και τοπικό πάχος σε κάθε ηλικία, χάρη στη σύγχρονη πλαστική χειρουργική Είναι γεγονός πως το να έχει κάποιος τέλειο σώµα µετά τα 40-45 σαφώς δεν είναι εύκολη υπόθεση, άλλα όχι και κλινικά ανέφικτη. Η
Perfect face https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/en/perfect-face/Μια νέα και απολύτως εξατομικευμένη τεχνική συνδυάζει διαφορετικές θεραπείες ώστε να επιτύχει μια ιδιαίτερα φυσική ανανέωση στο πρόσωπο. Νέες θεραπείες, εξελιγμένες τεχνικές, προηγμένα τεχνολογικά υλικά και high-tech ιατρικά μηχανήματα συνδυάζονται στα χέρια του
Άψογο Σώμα https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/apsogo-soma/Σήμερα μπορείς να έχεις ένα τέλειο σώμα, χωρίς χαλάρωση, κυτταρίτιδα και τοπικό πάχος σε κάθε ηλικία, χάρη στη σύγχρονη πλαστική χειρουργική Είναι γεγονός πως το να έχει κάποιος τέλειο σώµα µετά τα 40-45 σαφώς δεν είναι εύκολη υπόθεση, άλλα όχι και κλινικά ανέφικτη. Η
Τέλειο Πρόσωπο https://www.plasticsurgery-plasis.gr/telio-prosopo/Μια νέα και απολύτως εξατομικευμένη τεχνική συνδυάζει διαφορετικές θεραπείες ώστε να επιτύχει μια ιδιαίτερα φυσική ανανέωση στο πρόσωπο. Νέες θεραπείες, εξελιγμένες τεχνικές, προηγμένα τεχνολογικά υλικά και high-tech ιατρικά μηχανήματα συνδυάζονται στα χέρια του