Sun damage on the skin can appear quickly and for various reasons usually over 50 years. Especially when in highly visible areas, Red and Brown spots, can impact self-esteem and confidence in your appearance.


Sun damage drains our skin of its collagen an important protein in the human body that is responsible for the skin’s suppleness and youthfulness. Collagen works like a hydrating gel encasing the cells, providing a healthy glow to the complexion. When it is absent, the skin becomes rough , dull and hollow. If sun damage continues, it can even trigger the skin cells to begin reproducing at an abnormal rate, which we know as cancer. Excessive sun exposure can cause the over production of melanin, the skin’s pigment, creating color irregularities in the complexion, which may induce self – consciousness . The skin can even get quite dark as in over – tanning. While those with lighter skin are most at risk for the dangers of sun damage, even people with darker skin can receive harm from the sun’s rays.

Brown and Red spots  on the skin can appear quickly and for various reasons. While they are rarely a sign of anything dangerous, these spots can still have a large impact on your life. Especially when in highly visible areas, skin spots can impact self-esteem and confidence in your appearance. 

Clinical signs:

Age spots usually affect  over the age of 50, and are also commonly described as liver spots or sun spots.  Age spots are darkened patches of skin primarily caused by high UV rays sun exposure which leads to overproduction of melanin in the skin, and is why they are most often on exposed areas of the skin such as the face, shoulders, arms and hands. As these darker patches of skin are as a result of UV rays, they can also appear after exposure in sunbeds or tanning lamps.

When it is absent the skin becomes  rough , dull and hollow. If sun damage continues , it can even trigger the skin cells to begin reproducing at an abnormal rate, which we know as cancer. Excessive sun exposure can cause the over production of melanin, the skin’s pigment  , creating color irregularities in the complexion , which may induce self -consciousness . The skin can even get quite dark as in over-tanning. While those with lighter skin are most at risk for the dangers of sun damage , even people with darker skin can receive harm from the sun’s rays.

Being located in beautiful sunny Athenian Riviera  the “Wellness  and Beauty Institute” by Clinic of Excellence Plasis are well-versed in variety of effective procedures for healing and  reversing sun damage. We offer different lasers therapies that are ideal for treating, your age spots, as well as a variety of aesthetician services and unique customized exclusive facial treatments.   These treatments work to help restore an even tone to the skin by encouraging cellular renewal and aiding the complete restoration of the skin’s healthy properties. Depending on factors such as age and the severity of age spots, we can prescribe a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment for age spots can vary widely.  So it is vital to consult with a cosmetic specialist to find the right treatment for your problem. Otherwise, you may risk wasting both time and money without any results.

Treatments can include:

At the Clinic of Excellence Plasis we believe that Radiant, glowing skin is no longer a luxury, but an everyday reality.

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