The stomach is vertically divided into two parts, creating a small pouch shaped like a banana or a sleeve. After stapling the stomach, the surgeon removes the excess. The surgery also, removes that portion of the stomach that produces a hormone that can make a patient feel hungry. Sleeve gastrectomy is a simpler operation than the gastric bypass procedure because it does not involve rerouting of or reconnection of the intestines. Also, it involves a lower risk of infections and adhesions.
- It can be done to patients that weight even more than 200kg
- Surgical risk very low (less that 1%)
- There is less food intolerance. The patients do not vomit their food nor are restrictions on their diet plan
- It helps people with ulcer. It can be done to patients that have an ulcer clinical history
- There are no implantable devices
- There is no restriction in the absorption of the vitamins in the food.
- It is the only bariatric surgery that can be performed to patients with severe medical history, without any risks included.
- Patients are satisfied by the results of the surgery
- In cases of extremely severe obesity (BMI>60), there might be minimal weight loss
- It is performed to adult patients with a BMI > 40kg/m₂, that suffer from bulimia or have a food disorder and to people that are not easily mobilized or are leaving in a deserted area, due to:
- Sleeve mastectomy does not need food restrictions in order to work. People that suffer from bulimia cannot follow a diet pattern.
- The decrease of the ghrelin hormone, helps lose weight and change eating habits (Ghrelin, also known as the “hunger hormone” is a peptide hormone produced by ghrelinergic cells in the gastrointestinal tract which functions as a neuropeptide in the central nervous system.
- There is no need for frequent visits to the doctor. Post surgical monitoring can be done over the phone or via other means of communication.
- There are no serious immediate risks involved. Patients will have a small but totally healthy stomach
- The surgery needs highly developed surgical skills and vast experience, so there won’t be any errors or complications. The learning curve is much harder than that of the gastric banding surgery, with 10 times more chances of complication during the first 25 to 50 incidents.
- Losing weight after a sleeve mastectomy is equivalent to that of the gastric bypass surgery, when the stomach has an intake of up to 100ml.
- The surgery is extremely successful to patients that have a BMI between 40 and 60kg/m₂. Just like with the gastric banding, people weighting over 160Kg, might need another surgery in the future. Also, a laparoscopic sleeve mastectomy lowers the risks of a second laparoscopic surgery (gastric by-pass or DS surgery). There is a possibility of gaining weight over the years, like after every other surgery regarding obesity.