At Clinic of Excellence “Plasis”, we offer the most up-to-date techniques for correcting or improving anything that time has taken away or mother-nature may have overlooked. Whether our patients...
Gr. Lampraki 21 & Ang. Metaxa Athens - Glyfada 16675 email: tzamadaki@yahoo.gr email: krasotitos@yahoo.gr tel: 210 89 40 930 fax: 210 89 40 915...
It is a great honor and joy for us and our Clinic of Excellence “Plasis”, to be the first and only clinic in Greece that offers you the 3D Vectra XT Virtual Consultation. You can now see...
WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE The Clinic of Excellence «Plasis» is an exclusive, private Medical Clinic that specializes in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, medical beauty...
Dr. Krasonikolakis is board- certified General Surgeon, specialized in Breast Surgeryand in Breast Cancer Surgery. He is co-founder of Clinic “Plasis” and the Medical Institute in the Athenian...
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