"Every piece of stone hides a sculpture within it, and the sculptor's job is to discover it.

 Male 360 HD Liposculpture.

Going  beyond traditional liposuction, 360 HD Lipo focuses on the entire body sculpting tridimensionaly. This treatment creates a more proportional body by treating multiples areas simultaneously.

A High Definition 360 Lipocontouring can treat multiple areas, in one session, such as stomach, sides/ flank,  back, chest and arms. Can treat also very difficult areas and remove thick, fibrous fat from hard- to- treat areas. Arms, shoulders and biceps can be intricately defined and sculpted through Liposculpture and Fat Grafting. In this procedure  can also, correct malpractice from previous liposuction and helps improve the surface from indentation, irregularities and scar tissue.

The combination of procedures needed to achieve these life-changing results includes an individualized mix of fat removal, skin tightening,  fat grafting, skin and breast gland removal, and/or muscular fat implants.

Dr. Tzamantaki, is known as a leading medical pioneer in cutting edge technology, combination body contouring procedures that are both visually transformative and overall life changing. In 360 HD Liposculpture are combined, advanced technology such as  Ultrasound Vaser Lipo, Radio-frequency Renuvion, and  skill that only an experienced Plastic Surgeon in body transformation can offer, can sculpt the perfect curve and create impeccable abdominals. This is not a classic liposuction! With 360 HD Liposculpture Dr. Tzamantaki meticulously designs every detail in such a way that not only removes fat but also tightens the skin, revealing muscular definition, and helps you get rid of stubborn fat forever with amazing transformative body contouring results.

Why settle for being good when you can be exceptional?

High-Definition Liposculpture and Renuvion technology give you a sculpted body in any desired area. Back, shoulders, arms, waist, abdomen, and chest are common areas for 360 HD Liposculpture.

 This type of liposculpture allows for the natural projection of muscles, with natural muscular definition. The body is carefully sculpted, removing excess fat from certain areas and transferring it to areas where it is needed. This adds volume to accentuate curves or emphasize the existing muscular system.

With Foul Body 360 HD Lipocontouring for Men:

Dr. Tzamantaki can remove a significant amount of unwanted fat from problematic areas, as well as:

  • Improve gynecomastia, (sagging puffy nipples).
  • Define and sculpt the chest, creating a more “squared off” pectoral look.
  • Shape the shoulders, biceps, triceps and arms.
  • Sculpt an abdominal “six pack” and “V taper and Champaign groove”
  • Improve buttocks Brasilian Butt Lift or BBL.
  • Define and reshape the lower back area.
  • Improve the neckline and jawline contour.
  • Eliminate sagging skin on various parts of the body
  • Give a Face sculpting rejuvenation without scars.
  • Correct the problems of previous “botched”liposuction procedures.

It is extremely important for interested individuals to know that this procedure is not a weight loss method and is not an alternative to diet or exercise. On the contrary, it is a refined aesthetic surgical intervention for body contouring. To be an ideal candidate for this technique, you should be close to your ideal weight.

To help you understand exactly what 360 HD  liposculpture can offer you, at the ”Clinic of Excellence Plasis” we provide the world’s  No.1  3D consultation service and the unique Vectra XT in Greece.

Our first consultation.

It is important for the doctor to examine you clinically and for you to express your expectations. Dr. Tzamantaki will explain in detail how your desires can be achieved and will answer all your questions. The perioperative period will also be fully explained to you, so that you are aware of the process that will fulfill your desires without any surprises. See the results that your surgery can achieve with 3D Virtual Consultation using Vectra XT. With this advanced technology, you and Dr. Tzamantaki can decide on the best surgical approach for your problem and precisely achieve the desired outcome.

Clinic Of Excellence Plasis

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Visualize the results that can be achieved from your procedure with computer simulations from the VECTRA 3D imaging system.

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