The combination of different Plastic Surgery techniques in one operation is an excellent way to minimize scarring and the recovery time of the patient, as shown by the popular "Mommy Makeover".

 Breast Augmentation combined with Breast Lift is a procedure which provides the utmost beauty to the female breast by reshaping, removing any sagging which has occurred over the years and bring back volume which has been caused from atrophy.  Combining breast augmentation with a breast lift offers youthful and firm breasts, well-shaped nipples and a breast that is elegant and harmonious as you had imagined. Your confidence is boosted while your clothes will fit perfectly on you again.

Patients who choose the above combination of procedures choose it for various reasons, including the desire to return to pre pregnancy body state or to remove the sagging after significant weight loss. Essentially, the ideal candidate for this surgery is the woman whose breasts have sagged, lost their volume, and nipples have relaxed and are drooping.

Patients who wish to become pregnant in the future or intend to lose a significant amount of weight should wait until after they have completed these goals.  It is important to know that your body should be at a steady weight for the maximum aesthetic result.

Types of incisions for breast lift (Breast Lift)

  •  Classic Cut in the shape of an anchor.
  •  Lejour-shaped incision (Lollipop Lift).
  • Benelli Lift: Lifting and augmentation are performed with well-hidden incisions around the areola. However, this technique can only be performed in patients with mild to moderate ptosis.

Ways to place an implant

There are three traditional ways of placing implants on the chest:

  • Above the pectoral muscle and below the gland
  • Below the pectoral muscles l
  • Under the thoracic fascia (Dual Plane)
  • Under the gland

At the ”Clinic of Excellence Plasis” Dr. Tzamantaki, prefers the placement under the major pectoral muscle.  These drastically reduce postoperative complications such as: shrinking capsule and rippling. However, during your visit with the doctor you will discuss and analyze all possible solutions appropriate to your breasts and lifestyle.

Breast augmentation, combined with breast lift, is often part of the “Mommy Makeover”. With this choice of combined procedures, the patient can also undergo liposuction on the abdomen, torso and glutes, and abdominoplasty or facial rejuvenation, with Nano & Macro Fat lipotransfer. If you are interested a full body rejuvenation, Dr. Tzamantaki will be happy to explain your options in detail during your initial visit.

Recovery and what it entails

Nowadays, pain and discomfort after cosmetic surgery means that your doctor did not give you the required attention postoperatively! In our Clinic, under the supervision of Dr. Tzamantaki the experience of the operation is done with such care that you feel great and painless. The special Garments we give you are very comfortable and designed so that you can dress comfortably without even being seen. A composite breast augmentation is a detailed complex operation as are all Aesthetic Plastic Surgery procedures, the process requires diligence and care during the postoperative period.  The patient will be provided with all the detailed care instruction post op and will be treated with the utmost care of the staff and most importantly from the doctor herself.

Our first appointment:

It is important to understand that major Cosmetic Plastic Surgeries should provide the maximum result the patient dreams of! Therefore, our office always schedules the sufficient time to allow the patient to explain their wants and needs and to allow the doctor to provide solutions with the advantages and disadvantages of each option.  Plasis has also invested in the Vectra XT machine which is a virtual 3D representation to allow the patient to get a first glance of the surgery outcome.  The Vectra allows the patient and doctor to work together to choose type of implant, size, shape, fat transfer etc. The Vectra XT is a groundbreaking tool, which is why ”Clinic Of Excellence Plasis” is proud to be the only Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic in Greece that can offer this service.

“Keep them guessing”

Clinic Of Excellence Plasis

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